JMIR public health and surveillance

The psychosocial predictors and day-level correlates of substance use among participants recruited via an online crowdsourcing platform in the United States (Preprint).

JMIR public health and surveillance

Jennifer Payaal Jain, Claudine Offer, Christopher Rowe, Caitlin Turner, Carol Dawson-Rose, Thomas Hoffman, Glenn-Milo Santos

Estimating the Population Size of Female Sex Workers in Three South African Cities: Results and Recommendations From the 2013-2014 South Africa Health Monitoring Survey and Stakeholder Consensus.

JMIR public health and surveillance

Grasso MA, Manyuchi AE, Sibanyoni M, Marr A, Osmand T, Isdahl Z, Struthers H, McIntyre JA, Venter F, Rees HV, Lane T

Objectively Measured Baseline Physical Activity Patterns in Women in the mPED Trial: Cluster Analysis.

JMIR public health and surveillance

Fukuoka Y, Zhou M, Vittinghoff E, Haskell W, Goldberg K, Aswani A