
Glenn-Milo Santos, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor
Community Health Systems

I am Professor in the Department of Community Health Systems and the Division of Prevention Science at the University of California, San Francisco, and a Senior Research Scientist at the San Francisco Department of Public Health. I have been conducting research on the intersection between substance use (i.e., alcohol, methamphetamine, cocaine, and opioids), and HIV, and intervention research studies among key populations at risk for HIV (i.e., men who have sex with men [MSM], transgender individuals, and people who use drugs) for 15 years.

Alexander Marr

Technical Advisor

Mr. Marr is a Program Coordinator and Technical Adviser with the Global Strategic Information Group in UCSF Global Health Sciences where he supports bio-behavioral surveillance projects, interventions to improve testing and linkage among MSM (Project Boithato), and capacity-building in HIV surveillance, data analysis, and data use. He is the primary data analyst and analytic adviser for programs in South Africa, including national surveillance of MSM and FSW. Additionally, he is the Project Coordinator for IBBS surveillance projects in Suriname and Jamaica.

Eric Vittinghoff, PhD

Adjunct Professor
Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Roland Zepf, RN

Administrative Nurse 1